3DPP亚洲设计周系列活动3D打印节报名与反馈 / 3DPP Asia Design Week Series 3D Printing Party Registration and Feedback

1. 您的姓名或称呼 / Your Name or Nickname (Required) (必填)

2. 您的电话或微信 / Your Phone or WeChat (Required) (必填)

3. 您的单位、部门、职务是什么 / Your Organization, Department, and Position

4. 您在3D打印行业中的参与角色是以下哪个,可多选 / What is your role in the 3D printing industry? (Required, multiple choices allowed)

5. 根据您上一题选择的角色身份,请详细介绍您的情况,方便我们为您对接相应的行业资源 / Based on your selected role in the previous question, please provide a detailed introduction of your situation to help us connect you with relevant industry resources.

For example: Your company name, scale of your printing farm, your printing needs, the type of printing material you are looking for, your school major, the product or service capabilities you can provide, etc.

6. 您对活动的哪几个环节感兴趣,可多选 / Which segments of the event are you interested in? (Required, multiple choices allowed)

7. 根据您上一题选择的活动环节,请详细说明您的参加意向 / Based on your selected event segments in the previous question, please specify your participation intention.


8. 您对本次活动有哪些想法和要求,请留言反馈,请积极与我们交流沟通,帮助我们为大家做的更好。/ Please leave a message with your thoughts and requirements for this event. Please actively communicate with us to help us do better for everyone.